An unconventional stack perturbation: new contribution from REACTT Project!

A contribution of REACTT is in unconventional stack perturbation by means of the discrete random binary signal (DRBS). Time plot of DRBS with l=3.3 is shown left. On the right there is the the corresponding frequency spectrum, which exhibits the nearly flat characteristic in the effective band fB=0.1 Hz.

An excerpt from the current excitation with DRBS and the corresponding voltage response of a cell from a SolydEra 6-cell SOEC stack.

Comparison between the conventional EIS based on sinusoidal perturbation (yellow dots) and EIS obtained with DRBS (blue). Blue curve looks like continuous, although it is in fact composed of many frequency points with evaluated EIS values. That is due to the high frequency resolution resulting from application of DRBS.

Predicted (dashed) and measured () Nyquist curves at different current levels